Document Type : Research Paper
1 Associate Professor, University of Guilan
2 MA in Arabic Language and Literature
The Iraqi political and committed poet, Mozafar Al-Navab, is one of the poets who consider their technical features and social commitment in line with each other. Using the existing capacity of lyrics, he seeks to turn against and break down the barriers of Arabic communities. Therefore, the cornerstone of his thought lies in his disobedience strategy against the tolerance-oriented attitude of Arab leaders and their inefficiency. He also takes advantage of the foundational issues such as poetic style influenced by his own goals. Furthermore, among conditions necessary to gain deeper insights into the mind of the poet are the meta-perceptions of the symbols used in the collection of his poems. To present attitude and awareness and also a vivid image of contrast between these issues and the reality of Arabic societies, Mozafar has acquired codes from the collective consciousness of the Arab communities, and expresses abstract concepts through those codes. In this study, through studying the poet’s Divan (collections of poems), an attempt was made to consider mutual solidarity and coherence between the function of symbols and his worldview.
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