Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, University of Guilan

2 MA, University of Guilan



Literature in the form of prose and poetry has served as the narrator of realities and happenings of the society, especially the struggles and resistance of heroic men and women against cruel oppressors. Meanwhile, Islamic and Holy Defense literatures have had a prominent and effective role in narrating and depicting the resistance of women. Therefore, dealing with resistance literature has been an obsession for contemporary authors who have experienced war at first hand, and witnessed the oppression of their people, especially of women. Ali Ahmad Bakasir, the committed cotemporary Arab novelist, and Hossein Fatahi, the cotemporary Iranian novelist, are among these narrators of resistance who have spoken perfectly about women and their role in the issue of resistance.  They have depicted Muslim women to relate their acceptance of war and its conditions with a realistic view. Through a descriptive-analytical method, and relying on two novels: “Sirat Shojae” by A. Bakasir and “Love of War Years” by H. Fatahi, this study discusses the resistance of strong and combatant women especially “Somayeh” and “Narges”. The results show the resistance of these two heroine women in various aspects and prospects of individual and social lives including resistance against problems of personal life and practical participation in struggles behind the frontier.


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