Document Type : Research Paper


1 Instructor, and PhD Student of Persian Language and Literature

2 Assistant Professor, Payam Nour University


Regarding the issues of divine leadership, belief in the unseen, heeding the teachings of Qur'an, spiritual-mystical tendencies, and martyrdom-seeking youths, revolution, and especially Holy Defense, with its potentialities, provided the ground to reflect mystical themes in resistance literature. With his mastery in the fields of religious and traditional literature, the contemporary occasional poet, Qazeh, could find his way into in this area well, as he has frequently used mystical words and phrases in his poetry. Employing these elements in his works, in various ways such as interpretations, Qranic-mystical allusions, and the names of books by mystics and Sufis suggest the extent of his knowledge. His criticism of pretenders to mysticism, and his unveiling of their passive way of thinking and his own thought system have provided a special place for practical Sufism. The present study, carried out based on library research method and content analysis, is an approach to the importance of mysticism in resistance literature and the poet's literary capacities that could be the reviver of the forgotten prominence of moral virtues of the Holy Defense.


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