Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman

2 M.A. in Persian Language and Literature


Qeisar Aminpour is an honest poet dealing with the world and society. His poetry is an exact report of the poet’s relations to the society and socio-cultural transitions. He is firmly committed to religious values and believes in the goals of the society. The outstanding features of this poetic language are the use of conversational words, new compounds, objective and concrete words, and simple structure of words and sentences; they have turned into his individual style. Music and musical harmony of words, and the structure of interpretations are other features of his poetic features. Therefore, in order to explain his style, the poet’s linguistic features, his rhetorical figures, and his thoughts are examined simultaneously. Based on a descriptive-analytical method, this study examines Qeisar Aminpour’s poetic features with regard to two books of poems from his third poetic phase, i.e. “All Flowers are Sunflower” and “Syntax of Love”, and investigates his stylistic evolution on four levels, i.e. phonetics, lexical, syntactical, and rhetorical levels. Based on the results, Qeisar Aminpour has had innovations as to words, syntax, and images.


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