Document Type : Research Paper


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Resistance Literature reflects the persistence and bravery of a nation or an ethnic group against any invasion or oppression. Taking a look at the Literature of those countries involved in civil or foreign wars, the great importance of this genre of literature among them becomes clear. Nasim-e Shomal, the poet of constitutional (Mashrooteh) era, wrote poems in defense of his nation against the foreighners and the civil oppression. He had a great interest in his homeland, and sometimes described it as Yusuf being a pray in the claws of a wolf, or as a mother whose body became nude and whose wealth was taken away. The poet has had great hope for a bright future, and has given people hope for the final victory of truth against falsehood, making use of religious symbols, such as the prophet Muhammad and Imam Mahdi. He has expressed his objection against the unsettled condition of the country, has been unhappy about the presence of The English and the Russians in his country, has referred to them by the symbols of raven and bear, has tryied to reveal their true faces for people, has attempted to awaken people from the sleep of ignorance, and has persuaded them to fight against the enemies. The present study aims at clarifying the reflections of resistance literature in Nasim-e Shomal’s Bagh-e Behesht (the Garden of Eden) book of poetry and revealing his art in resistance poetry to the readers by using a descriptive-analytical method.


  1. الف: کتاب‌ها

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    ب: مقاله‌ها

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