Document Type : Research Paper




From the beginning of history, man has always believed in the substantial nature of binary contrasts. Perhaps for this reason, novelists have intentionally or unintentionally made use of this point in the narrative structure of their stories. This subject has sparked a special interest in structuralist theorists. One of the major categories of structuralist criticism is content analysis through the meaning of binary contrasts, which has been introduced by Gaston Bachelard in literary criticism, especially in narration. War stories form one of the narrative fields, which are a result of man’s close experience with binary contrasts and the main concern of which is working on the content. Therefore, They have been largely the subjects of structuralist criticism. Structuralist criticism helps these works, which have a wide range of hidden contents and signifieds in their contexts, get properly analyzed. “Golab Khanoom” by Qasemali Farasat is an example of war novels, which has took advantage of this category in its narrative structure. For this reason, it has been chosen as the subject of analysis and criticism in this study. The present research, first, attempts to explain the relevant theories, and then, analyze the content contrasts extracted from the context of the story with the help of narration elements, while looking at text samples.


الف. کتاب‌ها
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ب. مقاله‌ها
نامور مطلق، بهمن. (1386). «باشلار بنیانگذار نقد تخیّلی» نشریّۀ هنر معماری. پژوهشنامه فرهنگستان هنر. شماره 3. صص 72-57.