Document Type : Research Paper


Persian Gulf University


One of the manifestations of resistance literature is story writing, be it a short story or a novel. Lebanon has always been the target of the Zionist attacks Among Muslim countries, and that is why many writers have expressed the bravery and resistance of the Lebanese against their enemies. One such piece is the book “Anaqid-o-al-Atash” written by Ali Hijazi, a collection of short stories regarding the resistance of the Lebanese. The study of this book is important, as the writer has developed a semiotic language in his real stories when referring to this resistance based on the dominant political and social conditions of his society. This Study seeks to answer the following questions: 1-What are the most important symbols used in the stories of “Anaqid-o-Al-Atash? 2- Why has the writer chosen very specific symbols for the Zionist enemy? In the end, It can be conclude that the writer has employed specific animate and inanimate symbols, such as snake, hyena, Satan, scarecrow, etc., in accordance with each arrogant characteristic of the enemy. Also, the writer has used specific symbols to depict the Lebanese resistance and their love of their homeland.  The present study aims at discussing and encoding the symbols of resistance in “Anaqid-o-Al-Atash”, while pointing out the main reflections of resistance literature in the writing of this short story collection.


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