Document Type : Research Paper




Most of the concepts and messages have been conveyed through literature, stories and poems, for long. It is necessary to communicate in order to convey the concepts. The theory of Implied Reader is based on this point of view which there is two persons needed in order to communicate and convey the concept. Therefore, the writer must communicate with their reader in order to convey the concept they want. Aiden Chambers a British author and theorist of children’s and young-adult literature born in 1934, believes that by studying some of the elements in a story, it is possible to discover the relation between the writer and the reader as well as the concepts considered to be conveyed by the author. On the other hand, resistance literature tries to communicate with children through teaching resistance, devotion, forgiveness, hope, salvation, the victory of good over bad, etc. Therefore, the current study tries to recognize and compare the readers of resistance literature in the 60s and 90s based on Chambers’ theory and also studies the methods that writers employ to communicate with their readers in the both decades. Consequently, two stories in resistance literature published by Institute for the Intellectual development of Children and Young-Adults (Kanoon) have been chosen and studied.


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