Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Arabic Language and Literature

2 Ilam University

3 ilam university


In contemporary time, there are various literal styles in Arabic countries; that poets choose different ways to transfer their thoughts and experiences to listeners. One of the most challenging styles is symbolism that many experts believed that dictator situation of society, harms of direct language and familiarity of Arab poets with western styles are some reasons of this likeness. One of these poets is Helmi Salim, that symbolism has high frequency in his poem. This research by an analyzing – descriptive method, first had refer to biography of Helmi Salim and then review the symbols in some political and results of this research indicate that in his poem the various types of symbols such as human- plants and birds and his aim to using this method is challenging the dictator kings and disclose the face of their governments and show a world full of peace and relaxes.
Keywords: literal styles- symbolism- Helmi Salim- political poems


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