Document Type : Research Paper


The consequences of war and children suffer is one of the issues that can be seen in the works of the authors and poets from different nations. Mahmud Darvish and Qeyasr Aminpour have felt and experienced war closely. Mahmud Darvish loves his hometown as a beloved, and recommends staying in it and resisting against oppressors. Also, he disgusts death abroad and always hopes of returning to home. He utilizes symbols, heritage, religion and the whisper of children with their parents in expressing his thoughts and emotions, and flocks to helplessness and lack of aid from other countries. He, also, announces to children to return home some day. Qeyasr Aminpour, also, loves his hometown and village wholeheartedly, and explains the sustainability and describes the war injuries and disasters. He utilizes symbols, too, and expresses the brutal killing of children and orphans in war and its consequences. He hopes to the future of these children. This paper presents the two poet's views and thoughts about the topic, in a comparative method


الف. کتاب­ها
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ب. مقاله­ها
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