Document Type : Research Paper




Parvaneh Nejati is a contemporary poet whose poems are mostly devoted to Holy Defense. She has been successful in creating a new style in her expression by using a simple and emotional language in her poetry. By analyzing these types of her poems, one can see the main features of his poetry. In this regard, this study has investigated her poetry, especially her poems of Holy Defense, in a new and structural way. Also, the three components of cohesion, defamiliarization and the structure of image, which are of important discussions in structuralism, has been the basis of this research. To find the reasons for the beauty and motivation behind her poetry through the structuralist lens, which is the main subject of this study. The results suggest that the usage of the element of emotion and the representation of facts in a way of describing and defamiliarizing have transcended literary standards which have made her poetry prominent. In fact, the simplicity of her literary language is somehow defamiliarization of literary principles and traditions which makes meaning comprehension pleasant for being tangible and emotional. Furthermore, the questions about the main ways of defamiliarization, the structure of images, and the dominant existence of image in her poems have been answered.


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