Document Type : Research Paper


1 associate prof..

2 Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Shahid Rajaee Tarbiat Modares University

3 Professor Payam Noor University, Hamedan


The phenomenon of war is one of the most despicable and murderous phenomena in the entire history of mankind, but escape from it is one of the most difficult humanitarian ideals. War has no achievement except destruction, destruction, displacement, poverty, etc., and it affects all the social, economic, cultural and artistic structures of the country involved in war.
In contemporary Iran, the Islamic Revolution and immediately thereafter, the war had an definitive and significant impact on art. One of the most important and, at the same time, the weakest forms of art that took a new form under the influenced of the Revolution and the imposed war was drama or theater, which later became known as ‘Sacred Defense theater’. Sacred Defense dramatic literature is a type of documentary dramatic literature that derives its identity from memories, memos, reports, biographies, stories and official histories of events that brings about the confrontation between the two forces and the two fronts, depicting issues such as defending values, protecting the country, sacrificing, etc.
Sacred Defense theater has its own special form due to the specific nature of the Iran-Iraq war, which is fundamentally different from other theaters in the world. This study, which has been done using an analytical and descriptive method, aims at expressing the status and importance of theater during the imposed war, and examining Sacred Defense theater and its history while distinguishing it from war theater and resistance theater, and mentioning the damage to this type of theater.


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