Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Persian Language and Literature,Faculty of Literature and Humanities,University of Isfahan,Isfahan.Iran


Resistance literature has been generally regarded as a type of literature which induces a kind of resistance against intellectual, political, cultural, and military attacks. In this case, Ashura literature should be considered as the best and the most beautiful type of resistance literature. In this reserach, among many Ashura poems, two tarkib-bands (literally: composite-ties) by Mohtasham Kashani and Alireza Qazveh were chosen to be compared in terms of both form and content. The comparison of these poems reveals that Mohtasham seems to recite tragedy and lament (noha) in which the arousal of emotions and feelings are dominant by representing the events in detail, in a way that these types of poems could be considered as ‘event-oriented’. The characteristics of his poems in terms of form, in rhyme and row, and also in terms of content, in the meanings of the words are all in a way to be capable of realizing the poet’s goal by denoting sorrow and sometimes by producing a sound or music relevant to it. But, Qazveh, while creating an epic and vivid poem, mostly represents the purposes and consequences of that event, speaking of the factors giving rise to it and considers it as a means of expressing freedom, the defense of the rights, and resistance against oppression. So, these group of poems could be considered as ‘goal-oriented’. In the level of form, all the rhymes, rows, and lexicons have been chosen in accordance with this purpose. The themes of his poem also report this event as a magnificent revolution.


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