Document Type : Research Paper


1 MA in Cultural Affairs Management, Islamic Azad University of Tehran, Central Branch, Iran

2 MA in Ancient Cultures and Languages, Allameh Tabatabaee University of Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Imam Ali Military University; Imam Ali Military University


Literature has the ability to reflect political, social and cultural thoughts and events of any society (Moosaabadi & colleagues, 2017: 88). One of the characteristics of literature is its activism against various events of human societies (Hasani bagheri & colleagues, 2022: 88). Iranian culture, especially Iranian poetry, has long been a means of expressing love for the homeland and a song for liberation from the yoke of foreigners and aggressors. The glory and greatness of Iran's history and the knowledge of epic and heroic legends among people have played a big role in the patriotism of Iranians. Patriotic poems not only reflect their time, but also excite people and awaken them to defend their motherland and its main elements since language, history, nature, and culture have played a major role (Zabihniya & Najafi: 2019). The word "homeland" has been used in Persian literature in various meanings, and from the 3rd century of the Hijri until today, it is seen in the poems of most Persian-language poets. In the Khorasani style, homeland has more of an ethnic and racial meaning, and Ferdowsi's Shahnameh is a proof of this claim. In the Iraqi style, homeland has a mystical meaning; it is used in the meaning of the world above and the world of the kingdom, and in the Indian style, this word, in addition to meanings such as birthplace, city, higher world, etc. has also been used in the meaning of beloved or the place where beloved lives (Nadalizade & Rahimi, 2020: 54). Patriotism is one of the key concepts that was considered by poets in different periods of Persian poetry. The purpose of this study is to investigate the sense of patriotism in Persian poetry and literature using meta-composite technique.


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